What is Snoop?

Snoop is the open source WPF spying utility created by Pete Blois and now maintained by Team Snoop (Cory Plotts, Dan Hanan, Andrei Kashcha, and Maciek Rakowski).

It allows you to spy/browse the visual tree of a running WPF application (without the need for a debugger) … and change properties ... amongst other things.



Here are links to Snoop’s documentation pages.

1.Quick Start This is where to go if you are an absolute beginner and want to get started quickly.
2.App Chooser Explains the app chooser, the window that let’s you select which app you want to Snoop.
3.Main User Interface Explains the main user interface, the window that pops up after you Snoop an app.
4.Magnifier Explains the magnifier … which you can launch from the app chooser or which you can launch from a selected element on the visual tree in the main user interface.
5.Troubleshooting This page currently has information on the wee bit of logging that we have … if you are having problems with Snoop injecting itself into an app.
6.Building This page has all the information you will need in order to build Snoop yourself.
7.Tips & Tricks This page is the starting point for the Snoop tips and tricks … currently only the Camtasia videos that I’m releasing through my blog.